Health & Safety

AOSH UK qualifications offer an increasing range of Health and Safety qualifications to meet with employment and workplace regulatory requirements, improving conditions and reducing accidents and injuries.

Who needs these qualifications?

Employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy workplace conditions as well as the right systems and methods for safe activities. Nevertheless employees also have a vital part to play in the equation. They need the correct knowledge and the right attitude, which demands proper training in the basics of health and safety, as well as specific training for individual tasks.

AOSH UK offers the following Health & Safety qualifications:

Depending on the level and nature of qualification required, employers/employees can choose one of our three qualifications:

AOSH UK Level 2 Award in Health & Safety at Work Place

AOSH UK Level 3 Award in Health & Safety at Work Place

AOSH UK Level 4 Award in Health & Safety at Work Place

AOSH UK Level 2 Award in Manual Handling – Principles and Practices

AOSH UK Manual Handling Train The Trainer

AOSH UK Level 2 Award in Risk Assessment

AOSH UK Level 3 Award in Risk Assessment

AOSH UK Level 2 Award in COSHH

AOSH UK Level 3 Award in Emergency Rescue from Confined Space

Stress Management

AOSH UK Accident Investigation

AOSH UK Job Safety Analysis