What is Risk Assessment?

Risk Assessment Is A Term Used To Describe The Overall Process Or Method Where you: Identify Hazards And Risk Factors That Have The Potential To Cause Harm (Hazard Identification). Analyze And Evaluate The Risk Associated With That Hazard (Risk Analysis, And Risk Evaluation) Risk Assessments Are Part Of The Risk Management Process And Are Included In The Management Of Health And Safety At Work Regulations. … A Risk Assessment Defines Which Workplace Hazards Are Likely To Cause Harm To Employees And Visitors.

An Employer Should Carry Out A Risk Assessment:

  1. Whenever A New Job Brings In Significant New Hazards.
  2. Whenever Something Happens To Alert The Employer To The Presence Of A Hazard–For Example, An Unusual Volume Of Sickness Absence, Complaints Of Stress And Bullying, Or Unusually High Staff Turnover

Who This Training Is For

  • Mandatory Training For Managers With Responsibility For Occupational Safety And Health Risk Assessments
  • Participants Are Identified Through The Local Training Needs Assessment
  • The Risk Assessment For Occupational Health Risks Workshop Is Run For Managers. This Workshop Will Help You To Assess Occupational Safety And Health Risks(Osh) In Your Workplace


At The End Of The Workshop You Will Be Able To:

  • Understand The 4 Steps In The Risk Assessment Process
  • Identify Who Is Responsible For Ensuring The Risk Assessment Process Is Completed
  • Identify Why A Risk Assessment Is Undertaken
  • Explain Risk Assessment Terminology
  • Identify When A Specific Risk Assessment Form Is Required

Advantages By Doing This Course

  • To Operate Without Comprehensive Risk Management Is To Welcome Chaos And Disaster. To Expect The Unexpected However Is To Know Exactly How To Deal With It, Should It Arise.

The Primary Benefits Of Quality Risk Management Include:

  • Help For Senior Management And Business Owners. Risk Management Plays A Direct Role In Influencing And Altering The Decisions Made By Senior Management. From Resource Allocation To Investment Opportunities And More, Key Business Decisions Are Made On The Back Of Research, Analysis And Facts–Not Unsubstantiated Predictions.
  • Improved Efficiency.The Careful Analysis And Control Of Risks Allows The Business To Focus Its Efforts And Resources Of Achievable Goals And Beneficial Outcomes. By Ensuring Minimal Time Is Wasted On Ventures To The Contrary, Risk Management Directly Contributes To Improved Efficiency.
  • Encouraging Innovation. Innovation Is In Every Respect A Process Fraught With Risks. Quality Risk Management Encourages Innovation By Monitoring And Analysing All Potential Outcomes, Helping Steer Efforts Toward Success
  • Strong And Self-Reliant Working Environments.To Meticulously Manage Risks Internally Is To Build A Brand Or Business Of Superior Strength And Self-Reliance. It Means Not Having To Rely On External Parties And Service Providers To Look After The Interests Of The Business, Or Leap To The Rescue Should The Unexpected Occur.
  • Improved Brand Reputation And Authority. Above All Else, Risk Management Leads To Stronger Business Performance, Greater Efficiency And The Kind Of Brand Reputation That Builds Real Authority. From Shareholders To Peers To The Everydayconsumer, It’s Natural To Resonate With A Business With A Clear Regard For Its Own Performance And Long-Term Viability.

Modules Covered

  1. Identify The Hazards.
  2. Decide Who Might Be Harmed And How.
  3. Evaluate The risks and Decide On Precautions
  4. Record Your Findings And Implement Them
  5. Review Your risk Assessment and Update If. Necessary

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